
Journal of Economic and Accounting Research (JPENSI)
The Journal of Economic and Accounting Research (JPENSI) is a journal that conducts periodical publications established by the accounting department of Economics of the Islamic University of Lamongan with DECREE No. 0005.25023764/JI. 3.1/SK. ISSN/2016.02-9 February 2016 (starting from the edition Vol. 1, No. 1, Feb. 2016). JPENSI rises 3 (times) a year, which is February, June and October. The first release name is JPENSI (Journal of Economic and Accounting research) registered at Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with ISSN 2502-3764 (Print).
In 2018, JPENSI changed its name to the Journal of Economic and Accounting Research (JPENSI), the change is not significant, just change the abbreviation of the journal from the front to be behind. The Journal of Economic and Accounting Research (JPENSI) is registered at the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI) with ISSN 2621-3168 (Online).