industry 4.0 contents, entrepreneurship content, business ideasAbstract
Industry 4.0 has been an interesting topic for researcers, and it has been investigated in numerous points of view. One of the points of view is the impact of industry 4.0 in the entrepreneurial world, and how the higher education put some anticipation actions on it. Adding the industry 4.0 materials into the entrepreneurship content is one of the efforts that is being done to give the industry 4.0 perspective for the students. This study aims to see the impact of the industry 4.0 materials inside the entrepreneurship content in the entrepreneurship ideation courses. The results show that although the lecturers are quite familiar with the industry 4.0 term, some of them did not quite fluent in it. This has further impact to how they deliver the materials to the students, and how the students perceive the materials as the support to develop their business ideas.
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