Statistical Analysis for Data Processing Training for Lecturers in Improving Research and Publications


  • Diah Novitasari Universitas Islam Lamongan


Management of functional positions is by carrying out reports on lecturer activities which include education, research, service and support. In the research section, the higher the functional position requires the lecturer to publish articles in accredited national journals Sinta 1 and 2. To be able to enter the Sinta 1 and 2 journals is something that is very difficult to do if the objects and data analysis in the research use familiar things. Data analysis skills can be improved by improving skills in presenting data, accuracy in using methods to solve problems and accuracy in interpreting data analysis. Increasing data analysis skills can be done by taking training in the field of statistics. Based on this description, the aim of this service is to increase the competence of lecturers in data analysis by holding data analysis training so that they can improve the quality of scientific articles produced so that they can be included in accredited national SINTA journals 1 and 2. This service aims to help improve the competence of lecturers in processing data and publication. If lecturers' competence increases, the scientific articles they produce will also be better.


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