
  • Ahmad Muizzudin Unisla



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui service quality dan customer relationship management guna menguji pengaruhnya terhadap customer satisfaction pada perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menguji 83 responden. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel service quality (X1) dan customer relationship management (X2)  berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap customer satisfaction pada perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya), adanya pengaruh yang signifikan secara simultan antara variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat antara service quality (X1) dan customer relationship management (X2) secara parsial mempengaruhi customer satisfaction perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya) serta diantara variabel service quality dan customer relationship management yang paling berpengaruh secara dominan adalah customer relationship management. hal tersebut terbukti dengan adanya koefesien regresi sebesar 0,680 atau 68% serta nilai thitung untuk customer relationship management (X2) yaitu sebesar thitung > ttabel yaitu 8,268> 1,990


This study aims to determine service quality and customer relationship management in order to test its effect on customer satisfaction at TIARA Planet Green housing complex (Tikung Alam Raya). This type of research is descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach that tests 83 respondents using questionnaires distributed to consumers of Planet Green housing TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya). It can be concluded that the variable service quality (X1) and customer relationship management (X2) have a partial effect on customer satisfaction on the housing of Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya), there is a significant influence simultaneously between the independent variable and the dependent variable between service quality (X1) ) and customer relationship management (X2) partially affect the customer satisfaction of Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya) housing and among the service quality and customer relationship management variables that have the most dominant influence is customer relationship management. This is evidenced by the existence of a regression coefficient of 0.680 or 68% and the value of tcount for customer relationship management (X2) that is equal to tcount> ttable ie 8.268> 1.990



Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui service quality dan customer relationship management guna menguji pengaruhnya terhadap customer satisfaction pada perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya. Jenis penelitian ini adalah statistik deskriptif dengan pendekatan kuantitatif yang menguji 83 responden. Dapat disimpulkan bahwa variabel service quality (X1) dan customer relationship management (X2)  berpengaruh secara parsial terhadap customer satisfaction pada perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya), adanya pengaruh yang signifikan secara simultan antara variabel bebas dengan variabel terikat antara service quality (X1) dan customer relationship management (X2) secara parsial mempengaruhi customer satisfaction perumahan Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya) serta diantara variabel service quality dan customer relationship management yang paling berpengaruh secara dominan adalah customer relationship management. hal tersebut terbukti dengan adanya koefesien regresi sebesar 0,680 atau 68% serta nilai thitung untuk customer relationship management (X2) yaitu sebesar thitung > ttabel yaitu 8,268> 1,990




               This study aims to determine service quality and customer relationship management in order to test its effect on customer satisfaction at TIARA Planet Green housing complex (Tikung Alam Raya). This type of research is descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach that tests 83 respondents using questionnaires distributed to consumers of Planet Green housing TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya). It can be concluded that the variable service quality (X1) and customer relationship management (X2) have a partial effect on customer satisfaction on the housing of Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya), there is a significant influence simultaneously between the independent variable and the dependent variable between service quality (X1) ) and customer relationship management (X2) partially affect the customer satisfaction of Planet Green TIARA (Tikung Alam Raya) housing and among the service quality and customer relationship management variables that have the most dominant influence is customer relationship management. This is evidenced by the existence of a regression coefficient of 0.680 or 68% and the value of tcount for customer relationship management (X2) that is equal to tcount> ttable ie 8.268> 1.990   


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