The Impact Of Resentment And Offensive Feeling As The Moderator Over Illegitimate Tasks And Burnout Of Employees’ Quality Performances


  • Nuzul Fatimah Program Doktor Universitas Airlangga
  • Arbab Gul



illegitimate tasks, burnout (illegitimate tasks), resentment (illegitimate tasks), offensive feeling


Employee's health has actually been actually extremely important for obtaining better-quality efficiencies, regarding stay affordable as well as tactically successful; companies are actually constantly presenting the health courses as well as methods along with the function of obtaining enhancement in individual as well as specialist lifestyle of workers. The function of the examine is actually towards add to the present knowledge for the organizations to tackle such problems which are caused by the illegitimate tasks given to the employees and to know about the possible reactions of the employees caused by illegitimate tasks which are burnout, resentment and offensive feeling. The study is a cross sectional one which includes cause and effect relationship of different variables which consist of illegitimate tasks and burnout relationship as well as the mediation role of offensive feeling and moderating role of resentment, and the data will be collected with 120 questionnaires at the banking sector. The result of this study shows the illegitimate tasks cause some stressors which are burnout and offensive feeling with the moderating role of resentment.  

Author Biography

Nuzul Fatimah, Program Doktor Universitas Airlangga



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How to Cite

Fatimah, N., & Gul, A. (2021). The Impact Of Resentment And Offensive Feeling As The Moderator Over Illegitimate Tasks And Burnout Of Employees’ Quality Performances. JPIM (Jurnal Penelitian Ilmu Manajemen), 6(2), 113–145.