The Influence Of Brand Image And Brand Trust On The Decision To Purchase Lemonilo Noodles With Purchase Interest As A Mediation Variable

Study on Consumers of Lemonilo Noodles in Malang


  • Dena Kusuma UIN Maulana Malik Ibrahim Malang


The problem in this study is whether there is an influence of brand image and brand trust on purchasing decisions with purchase intention as a mediating variable for Mie Lemonilo consumers in Malang. The purpose of this study was to determine whether there was an influence of brand image and brand trust on purchasing decisions with purchase intention as a mediating variable for Mie Lemonilo consumers in Malang. This type of research is quantitative consisting of independent variables, namely brand image and brand trust, the dependent variable, namely purchase decision, and a mediating variable, namely buying interest. The object of this research is Lemonilo Noodle consumers in Malang City. Sampling technique with probability sampling as many as 96 respondents. The analysis used by researchers is PLS (Partial Least Square). The results of the study show that brand image and brand trust directly influence purchasing decisions, brand image and brand trust directly influence purchase intention, purchase intention directly influence purchasing decisions, furthermore, brand image and brand trust indirectly influence purchasing decisions. purchase with purchase intention as a mediating variable for consumers of Lemonilo Noodles in Malang City.


